MSU students and employees automatically receive library borrowing privileges. Your MSU ID (CatCard) is your library card.  Bozeman and other Montana residents may apply for a community library card to received borrowing privileges. Anyone is welcome to use library materials in the building. Detailed policies are listed below.


  • A current MSU ID (CatCard) or Community Borrower Card is required to checkout materials and technologies. You must provide the actual card. Photocopies, photos, or other facsimiles are not accepted. 
  • A library card holder may not lend their card to another individual to check out materials on their behalf. The library will only check out materials to the card holder, and will verify identify at the time of checkout. This policy is to protect the privacy of the cardholder in instances of fraud or loss.
  • All library materials must be properly checked out before they are taken from the building.
  • The borrower is responsible for the items until they are returned. The borrower bears sole responsibility for returning materials on time.
  • The MSU Library observes the strictures on "Nondisclosure of Library Records" as stated in the Montana Code Title 22-1-1103. The library will not reveal the names of people who have checked out library materials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Library Service Desk.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students

  • A valid MSU ID (CatCard) must be presented to check out library materials. You must provide the actual card. Photocopies, photos, or other facsimiles are not accepted.
  • A student may not lend their card to another individual to check out materials on their behalf. The library will only check out materials to the card holder and will verify identify at the time of checkout. This policy is to protect the privacy of the cardholder in instances of fraud or loss.
  • Maximum number of concurrent items checked out: 100
  • For accidental damage, mutilation, or loss of library materials, you will be charged for the cost of replacement plus a $25.00 processing fee. Non-returned items will also be charged a replacement fee plus a $25.00 processing fee.
    • In order to avoid confusion and error, the library will purchase a replacement copy of the lost material and will not accept replacement copies of lost materials from patrons.

Items in the regular collection circulate for the following periods:

Item Type
Length of Checkout
Renewals Permitted
Due the last day of classes each semester
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks 1

All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks from the date of checkout, if requested by another patron.

Faculty and Staff

  • A valid MSU ID (CatCard) must be presented to check out library materials. You must provide the actual card. Photocopies, photos, or other facsimiles are not accepted.
  • A faculty or staff member may not lend their card to another individual to check out materials on their behalf. The library will only check out materials to the card holder, and will verify identify at the time of checkout. This policy is to protect the privacy of the cardholder in instances of fraud or loss.
  • Maximum number of concurrent items checked out: 100
  • For accidental damage, mutilation, or loss of library materials, you will be charged for the cost of replacement plus a $25.00 processing fee. Non-returned items will also be charged a replacement fee plus a $25.00 processing fee. 
    • In order to avoid confusion and error, the library will purchase a replacement copy of the lost material and will not accept replacement copies of lost materials from patrons.

Items in the regular collection circulate for the following periods:

Item Type
Length of Checkout
Renewals Permitted
1 Year
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks


All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks if requested by another patron.

Two Year Limit: Because books check out for a one year period for faculty and staff, and faculty and staff can renew one time for an additional year, faculty and staff must return books after two years so as to assess the condition of the items as well as allow other patrons an equitable opportunity to have access to them for check out. Once turned in and assessed, all books will be reshelved, at which time any patron may check them out.

Proxy Borrowers for Faculty

Faculty may designate an individual, often a research assistant or a graduate student, as a proxy borrower. This designation allows the proxy borrower to act on behalf of the faculty member to perform general circulation transactions such as checking out items, paying fines and fees, etc. All transactions will be under the faculty member's name, and the faculty member is responsible for the material, including any fines and fees. All overdue fines and fees notifications will be sent to the faculty member via e-mail.

In order to be designated as a proxy borrower, the individual must have his/her own access & borrowing privileges for the library (valid CatCard). To request the proxy privilege, the faculty member must submit a signed letter on department letterhead to the library, either in person or as an e-mail attachment ( The privilege will extend to the last day of the semester unless the faculty member specifies an earlier date on which this privilege is to expire in the signed letter.

Exceptions to the general guidelines for proxy borrowers outlined on this page can be made upon request to the library's department head for the Access, Information, and User Services Department. 

Community Borrowers

Visitors to the MSU Library are welcome and have access to the library building, including public computers, during open hours. While our license agreements do not allow us to give visitors off-campus access to our electronic resources (aka databases), all public computers have a guest login which will allow visitors to use most electronic resources while in the building. 

Montana residents may also receive an MSU Library Courtesy Borrower Card in order to check out materials from the library. Courtesy Borrowers are not eligible to check out items from TRAILS libraries or Interlibrary Loan.

Requirements for Eligibility:

  1. Must be 16 years of age or older.
  2. Must present a current (non-expired) photo ID. Accepted are:
    1. Driver’s License
    2. State ID card
    3. Passport
    4. Military ID
  3. Must provide proof of Montana residency. Paperwork or an ID with a current mailing address is needed. Examples of paperwork include:
    1. Utility bill
    2. Vehicle registration
    3. Hunting or fishing license
    4. Lease agreement
    5. Property tax statement
  4. Must provide a working e-mail address. (All circulation notifications are sent via e-mail.)
  5. Must provide a phone number.

Circulation Policies:

  • The MSU Library Courtesy Borrower Card must be presented when checking out materials.
  • Maximum number of concurrent items checked out: 10
  • All items are subject to recall after 3 weeks, if requested by another patron.
  • MSU Library Courtesy Borrowers may check out headphones, but are not eligible to checkout any other technology items (laptops, calculators, etc.) 
  • For accidental damage, mutilation, or loss of library materials, you will be charged for the cost of replacement plus a $25.00 processing fee. Non-returned items will be charged a replacement fee plus a $25.00 processing fee. 
    • In order to avoid confusion and error, the library will purchase a replacement copy of the lost material and will not accept replacement copies of lost materials from patrons.

Items in the regular collection circulate for the following periods:

Item Type
Length of Checkout
Renewals Permitted
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks 1

 Returning Materials

  • Items must be returned or renewed on or before their due date. Overdue fines will be assessed for faculty, staff, and community borrowers. The borrower bears sole responsibility for returning materials on time.
  • During open building hours items can be returned to the materials drop located inside the library entrance near the end of the Service Desk by the supplies table.
  • The Library has an overnight materials drop located to the right of the entrance doors that can be used when the library is closed. Note: Technology items may not be returned to the overnight materials drop.

If you wish to return your materials via mail, send them to:

ATTN: Service Desk
MSU Library
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT 59717-3320

Renewing Materials Checked Out From the MSU Library

  • Some items can be renewed, but not all. See the specific sections above on this page for your borrower type (Undergraduate and Graduate Students; Faculty & Staff; Community Borrowers) for what items can be renewed and how often.
  • Items you have checked out must be returned or renewed on or before their due date or overdue charges will be assessed. The borrower bears sole responsibility for returning or renewing materials on time.
  • Courtesy e-mail notices are sent prior to and after the due date to help you avoid accruing fines and fees.
  • This guide has instructions on how you can log into CatSearch and renew items you have checked out from the MSU Library.
  • Folks at our Service Desk can also help you renew an item (if eligible) in-person or by phone at 406-994-3139.
  • Policies for renewing items checked out from TRAILS libraries or Interlibrary Loan (ILL) vary. Details about ILL policies can be found here. Contact the ILL department  by phone at (406) 994-3161 or by email at

Overdue Fines & Other Charges and Fees

Overdue Fines:

  • Students: As of August, 2024 the library does not assess any overdue fines for students (undergraduate and graduate.) Students will, however, be assessed fees for non-returned of items or damaged items. If a student has $50.00 or more in fees on their account, the account will be blocked until which time the fees are paid or the items are returned to the library.
    • For Fines related to Interlibrary materials, please see our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) policies.
    • Fees for students will be held at the library approximately 30 days, after which time are sent to Student Accounts at University Business Services.
    • Having a fee on your library account under $5.00 will NOT affect your ability to register for classes or to graduate. 
    • MSU students owing $50.00 or more will have all borrowing privileges suspended until all outstanding fees are paid or overdue items returned to the library.
  • Faculty, Staff, and Community Borrowers:
    • Items must be returned (or renewed) on or before the due date or overdue charges will be assessed.
    • The fine rate for most overdue materials is $0.05 day/item. This includes books, periodicals, and media (CDs, DVDs, etc.)
    • Fines for overdue reserve materials are $2.00 day/item.
    • Fines for most technologies for checkout are $2.00 or $10.00 per day/item; complete information available on our technologies for checkout page 
    • Fines for laptops, digital cameras, and GoPro cameras are $10.00 per day/item. 
    • For Fines related to Interlibrary materials, please see our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) policies.
    • MSU faculty/staff owing $150.00 or more will have all borrowing privileges suspended until all outstanding fines and fees are paid.
    • Montana Resident Courtesy Borrowers owing $25.00 or more will have all borrowing privileges suspended until all outstanding fines and fees are paid.


How to Pay Fines and Fees:

  • We're sorry; The library does not have a current method for accepting online payments. 
    • In-person: Fines and fees on patrons accounts can be paid in-person at the Library Service Desk.
    • By mail: Checks may be mailed to the library using the U.S. Postal Service:
      • MSU Library (Attn: Service Desk), Montana State University, PO Box 173320

        Bozeman, MT 59717-3320

  • For accidental damage, mutilation, or loss of library materials, you will be charged for the cost of replacement plus a $25.00 processing fee. Items that have been overdue for 30 days will also be charged likewise, a replacement fee plus a $25.00 processing fee. 
    • In order to avoid confusion and error, the library will purchase a replacement copy of the lost material and will not accept replacement copies of lost materials from patrons.

Holds and Retrievals


  • What is a Hold: "Placing a hold" is a way to reserve print or audiovisual items in our collection. When you place a hold, a staff member retrieves the item from the shelves for you, then you pick it up at the Library Service Desk after receiving an email confirmation that the item is ready for you.
    • Patrons are notified via email when the requested item is available for pick up. Items are held for 10 days at the Library Service Desk before being re-shelved.
  • Holds Waiting List: If all copies of the item you want are checked out, placing a Hold puts you on a waiting list. At the MSU Library, waiting lists for library items are generally very short (unlike public libraries, which often have very long waiting list for the most popular items, best sellers for example.)
  • Returning Items When Someone Else Places a Hold: If you have an item checked out from the library and someone else places a Hold on that item, you are allowed to retain that item for a minimum of three weeks. When another patron places the Hold, we'll give you a new date by which you'll need to bring the item back for the next patron. When you bring the item back, then you're eligible to place a Hold on it yourself!
  • How to Place Hold: You can do this online by clicking on the "Place Hold" link in the item's record in CatSearch after logging in.
    • LIke we said above, patrons can place holds on items already checked out. The first borrower will receive a minimum of a three-week loan, after which time the item will be recalled for the next user. 
    • If you like, Hold requests can also be made in person or by phone,



Patrons needing a little extra assistance may request library staff to retrieve items available on the shelves. You can do this by placing a Hold (see above), calling us at the Library Service Desk, or coming in-person to the Library Service Desk. Please be prepared to provide both the item's title and library call number when making requests.