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Your search for Topic "Abstract (summary)" resulted in 8 items.

  • screenshot for Teacher Reference Center
  • Teacher Reference Center

    What? TRC provides indexing and abstracts for 280 periodicals related to education at the K-12 level. In addition, 96% of journals indexed in TRC are peer-reviewed

    When? varies

    Why? TRC is designed to provide comprehensive coverage of topics relevant to K-12 teachers.

  • screenshot for Medline (on Web of Science)
  • Medline (on Web of Science)

    What? Medline is the premiere medical abstracts database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences. Journal articles are indexed for Medline, and their citations are searchable, using the National Library of Medicine's co...

    When? 1965-Present

    Why? Professional health sciences journal articles (same database as PubMed with Check MSU Availability)

  • screenshot for Sociological Abstracts
  • Sociological Abstracts

    What? Sociological Abstracts is an indexing and abstracting database covering the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Updated monthly (about 28,000 records added per year)

    When? 1952-Present

    Why? Sociological literature including books, conference proceedings, & dissertations

  • screenshot for Statistical Abstract of the United States
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States

    What? The ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.

    When? varies

    Why? Includes comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.

  • screenshot for Philosophers Index
  • Philosophers Index

    What? The Philosopher's Index provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields. It covers the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysical logic as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, ...

    When? 1940-Present

    Why? Scholarly philosophy articles and books

  • screenshot for Social Services Abstracts
  • Social Services Abstracts

    What? Social Services Abstracts provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database abstracts and indexes over 1,300+ serials publications and includes abstracts of j...

    When? 1979-present

    Why? Research topics related to human services and social work.

  • screenshot for Religious & Theological Abstracts
  • Religious & Theological Abstracts

    What? Religious & Theological Abstracts is an indexing and abstracting database covering scholarly journals in the fields of religion and theology. It includes a variety of periodical literature including Christian, Jewish, and other world religions, and provide English language abstracts of articles in E...

    When? 1948-Present

    Why? Scholarly articles on religion and theology

  • screenshot for Water Resources Abstracts
  • Water Resources Abstracts

    What? Water Resources Abstracts is a database covering international technical and scientific literature on water-related topics focused on the characteristics, conservation, control, pollution, treatment, use and management of water resources. Abstracts are drawn from journals, books, conference proceedi...

    When? 1967 - current

    Why? Water-related topics, including pollution