Trade Catalogues and the American Home

Trade Catalogues and the American Home
What is it? Trade Catalogues and the American Home lets users explore domesticity, daily life, consumerism and technology in America between 1850-1950. This collection presents a wealth of highly visual trade catalogues, cards and marketing ephemera, tracing the rise of the ‘American dream’ and evolution of commerce throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The content is sourced from three of the pre-eminent collections of trade literature in America: the Lawrence B Romaine collection at UC Santa Barbara, the Hagley Museum and Library and the Winterthur Library.
Why use it? Explore domestic consumerism, life and leisure in America between 1850-1950
Coverage: 1850 - 1950
Access: Available on networked computers on the MSU campus in Bozeman and via the proxy server. Unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Vendor: Adam Matthew
Subjects: Business, Economics, History
- Related Databases:
- Mergent Online
- Gale Business: Insights
- IBISWorld Industry Research Reports
- EconLit
- Business Source Complete
Total interactions: 471
Rank: 251 out of 330 databases
Rating: 2 out of 5 (based on 471 out of 2245188 total interactions with all of our databases)
Last updated: 2025-02-19 06:42:39
Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT) & Accessibility Statements: Platform Accessibility
Permalink: https://www.lib.montana.edu/resources/item/732