ACS (American Chemical Society) Symposium Series eBooks
ACS (American Chemical Society) Symposium Series eBooks
What is it? The peer-reviewed eBooks of the ACS contain research spanning all disciplines and applications. The eBooks consist of the ACS Symposium Series and the Advances in Chemistry series.
Why use it? Peer-reviewed eBooks from the American Chemical Society that includes the Advances in Chemistry Series
Coverage: 1974 - Present
Access: Available on networked computers on the MSU Bozeman campus. Access is also available off campus to students, staff, and faculty with a current NetID and password. Unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Vendor: American Chemical Society
Subjects: Chemistry, Chemistry Core
- Linked Data Topics:
- Chemistry
- Database
- Interdisciplinarity
- Related Databases:
- Agricola
- Gale Power Search
- Annual Reviews
- Cabells
- Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
Total interactions: 557
Rank: 239 out of 329 databases
Rating: 2 out of 5 (based on 557 out of 2230089 total interactions with all of our databases)
Last updated: 2024-12-11 03:51:16
Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT) & Accessibility Statements: American Chemical Society Accessibility Statement