Zoological Record
What is it? Zoological Record is a bibliographic database covering citations to the zoological literature, including biochemistry, behavior, ecology, evolution, genetics, entomology, paleontology, and more. It includes over 4,500 serials plus approximately 1,500 non-serial publications including monographs, books, dissertations, newsletters, review annuals, reports, and conference proceedings. Updated quarterly; it adds more than 70,000 records a year to the database.
Why use it? Zoology including ecology, evolution, genetics, entomology, and paleontology
Coverage: 1864 - current
Access: Available on networked computers on the MSU campus in Bozeman and via the proxy server. Unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Vendor: Clarivate
Subjects: Biology
- Linked Data Topics:
- Bibliographic database
- Biology
- Paleontology
- Related Databases:
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Technical Library
- Medline (on Web of Science)
- Biological and Agricultural Index
- TAIR- The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Total interactions: 6917
Rank: 69 out of 316 databases
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 6917 out of 2206837 total interactions with all of our databases)
Last updated: 2024-09-10 23:51:27
Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT) & Accessibility Statements: SECTION 508 TECHNICAL STANDARDS
Permalink: https://www.lib.montana.edu/resources/item/161