Living With It: A look at Ivan Doig 2019, Montana State University (MSU) Library Channel
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  • Living With It: A look at Ivan Doig 2019

    A look at Ivan Doig’s literary perseverance in the face of mortality. Ivan Doig’s journey battling a deadly disease while writing four novels was the focus of the Montana State University Library’s annual fall fundraising event held at 7pm Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 in Norm Asbjornson Hall. As part of the event, there was a panel discussion moderated by Robert Rydell, MSU history professor and Ivan Doig Center co-chair. Panelists included: Carol Doig, David Laskin, Robert Patrick, Brett Walker and Todd Wilkinson. The medical journal Doig kept during the last eight years of his life framed the conversation. Upon donating his archive to MSU Library in 2015, Carol Doig, said that no estimate of her husband’s achievements as a writer would be complete without consideration of what he accomplished after he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. The event was hosted by the Friends of MSU Library in conjunction with the Ivan Doig Center for the Study of the Lands and Peoples of the North American West and Mountain Journal. Note: For library content that is not accessible, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations and timely access to users with disabilities. For assistance, please submit an accessibility request for library material (

    Ivan Doig, montana state university library, medical journey, western writers

    Duration: 01:20:32

    Aspect Ratio: hd


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