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eBook Collections

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Requesting eBooks and eAudiobooks

You can request a specific eBook using our Purchase Request Form. eAudiobooks are not available for title-by-title purchases at this time. 

Not all titles are available in an eBook format, and not all eBooks are available through our licensed vendors. Available titles may limit the number of concurrent users and will not be suitable for class assignments. Budget constraints severely limit our capacity to purchase multiple copies of a single title. Available titles may require users to download third party software or apps and create a user account in order to access the eBook offline. 

eBooks and eAudiobooks Platform Help and Information

We understand that eBooks and eAudiobooks don't always live up to our expectations. We're here to help.

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eBook Platform Help Links, User and Printing Restrictions, and Software and App Links
Platform Help
Concurrent Users?
Software / Apps
Yes, varies by title between 1-user and unlimited.
Yes, varies by publisher, % of pages.
Yes, varies by title between 1-user and unlimited.
Sometimes, varies by publisher, % of pages.
Yes, unlimited.
Yes, no restrictions.

SpringerLink app for iOS, Android

Yes, unlimited.
Yes, no restrictions.


Yes, unlimited.
Yes, no restrictions.


No, 1-user per copy. Number of copies varies by title.
No, 1-user per copy. Number of copies varies by title.
Not applicable.
Yes, unlimited.
Yes, single pages only.

O'Reilly app for IOS, Android.

Yes, unlimited.
Yes, restricted to 20% of pages.
Yes, unlimited.
Yes, no restrictions.


Yes, unlimited.
Yes, no restrictions.
