images of people petting dogsWhat is Paws to De-Stress?

As each semester comes to an end, MSU Library partners with Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) to bring therapy animal to the library for Paws to De-Stress. Students are encouraged to take moment to relax with these animals, so they can finish the semester with renewed vigor. 

MSU Library is committed to promoting student success. As the end of the semester approaches, stress levels rise especially among students. Research shows that using dogs in a therapy setting has multiple benefits including reduced blood pressure and decreased stress levels of participants[i]

Fall 2024 Paws to De-StressPaws to De-Stress Logo
In MSU Library

Tuesday, December 3, 10 a.m. to noon
Wednesday, December 4, 4-6 p.m.

The event takes place on the second floor of MSU Library
near the windows looking out to Montana Hall.
Just follow the paw prints.

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Intermountain Therapy Animals

Intermountain Therapy Animals LogoMSU Library partners with Intermountain Therapy Animal (ITA), a non-profit organization bringing animal resources to human needs, and specializing in animal-assisted therapy. For more information on Intermountain Therapy Animals, visit their website at

All ITA volunteer teams are registered as therapy animals and are sponsored through a recognized organization covered by liability insurance. 

Allergies & Fears

MSU Library is aware of the concerns of those with allergies and fear of domestic animals. The times and location for Paws to De-Stress events will be publicized in advance, and there will be a clear barrier between the event and other areas of the library. This will make it easy for those wishing to avoid interaction with the animals to do so.

Stress Relief LibGuide

It's important to work hard while you are in school, but it's also important to take a break from time to time. When you actively focus on relieving stress, you'll find you return to your work recharged and better able to focus.MSU Library has gathered an assortment stress relief activities for you to enjoy. Check them out at our MSU Library Stress Relief LibGuide.

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Previous Paws to De-Stress Events

Spring 2021 - Pets of the MSU Library

We couldn't have a live event this semester so the employees of the library wanted to create a stress relief video featuring their pets. Enjoy!

Fall 2020 - A Virtual Paws to De-Stress

Join Montana State University (MSU) Library outreach and humanities librarian Jan Zauha as she interviews International Therapy Animal (ITA) volunteer, Nancy and her therapy dog, Lily. 'Paws to De-Stress' is an important tradition at the MSU Library, offering students a change to relieve stress. 

Paws to Destress infographic - Spring 2019


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[i] Vormbrock JK, Grossberg JM (1988): Cardiovascular effects of human-pet dog interactions. J Behav Med, 11:5,509-17.