Image of colorful puzzle pieces painted on the side of a building.


Occasionally you may experience issues when trying to access the library's online resources remotely. If you are having access issues, please review our troubleshooting tips for  solving common problems:



Icon of a hand and an x indicating no access.

No Access to Resources

I am unable to access the library's online resources (hitting pay walls, encountering error messages, etc.) from off campus...


Icon of a lock with an x indicating that an attempt to login was unsuccessful.

Unable to Login

I can't login to the library's online resources using my NetID and password...


Icon of a three journal pages.

Journal Coverage

I can't access certain years of an online journal even though the journal website indicates access is available through MSU Library...

Black and white icon of a proxy server.

Resolving Proxy Errors

I am encountering a page that says a resource needs to be added to the library's proxy... 

Icon of an eBook and a computer monitor.

Help Using eBooks

We understand that eBooks and eAudiobooks don't always live up to our expectations. We're here to help.

Black and white icon of a pencil and paper.

Report an Error

If you've tried everything, and you're still not able to resolve your access issue, please contact the library.


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash.